Thursday, December 22, 2011

Merry Musical Christmas

As the most wonderful time of the year - December & Christmas, is once again upon us, allow me to share few songs that will surely make up your mood perfect for season. So here are my suggestions:

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Imagine Linux & You - Customizing Shortcuts

Shortcuts are like elevators. It gets hefty things done on simple press of a button. It is much better, faster and efficient then the other alternative: Stairs..!! or in our case pointing and clicking.

But it is sad to know people often don't use shortcuts. Maybe they are difficult to remember or simply impractical to be a shortcut or both. The most outstanding example would be "Alt+F4" for closing a window. I mean come-on, do you really have to stretch your fingers 4" wide not to mention searching for F4 key (hidden among smallest keys on keyboard) for doing an task so frequent ?

But Hey, with Linux you can choose your own shortcut for any shortcut you dislike. Who says Alt+C to close a window isn't smart?